Aici e vorba de TomTom Go care nu stiu daca-mi foloseste in cazul meu(PDA), daca ar fi Eastern Europe si pentru TomTom Navigator ar fi ok dar io nu gasesc!
Aici e vorba de TomTom Go care nu stiu daca-mi foloseste in cazul meu(PDA), daca ar fi Eastern Europe si pentru TomTom Navigator ar fi ok dar io nu gasesc!
stima, Steff
TomTom Go nu ruleaza pe PDA.TomTom Navigator nu are East Europe (5-ul are Cehia si Polonia din cate stiu).
TomTom Routeplanner are si versiuni cu Eastern Europe.
Aici e vorba de TomTom Go care nu stiu daca-mi foloseste in cazul meu(PDA), daca ar fi Eastern Europe si pentru TomTom Navigator ar fi ok dar io nu gasesc!
stima, Steff
TomTom Go nu ruleaza pe PDA.TomTom Navigator nu are East Europe (5-ul are Cehia si Polonia din cate stiu).
TomTom Routeplanner are si versiuni cu Eastern Europe.
"Included in Europe for the first time are Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovenia and Ukraine."
Am vazut un reportaj la SIAB. Faceau reclama la un TomTom. Cica are harta pentru Romania. Au facut si o demonstratie in Bucuresti. Dar cand au ajuns la pret... cica 200 de euro echipamentul, 200 softu etc. Remarca lu ala cu reclama a fost ca e ieftin... ajunge sub 1000 de euroi . Oricum cei drept iese la oferta "mult mai bine" ca cei de la GPS ALARM & NAVIGATOR®?
Data inscrierii: Feb 01, 2004 Locatie: Tirol/Timisoara
Trimis: 22 10 2005, 8:36 Titlul subiectului:
Am vazut un reportaj la SIAB. Faceau reclama la un TomTom. Cica are harta pentru Romania....
@Adriane, ce-ai vazut tu in reclama la 200+200 € s-ar putea sa fie chiar de la "GPS Alarm&Navigator", oferta cu 25€/luna lucreaza tot cu TomTom, dupa cum am inteles din detaliile de pe site, harta Ro este un add-in pentru TomTom! Ar fi posibil sa se comercializeze doar navigatoru(fara alarma sau functia de localizare a masinii prin gps) la pretul vazut de tine.
Softul din dotarea standard GPS ALARM & NAVIGATOR® (aplicaţiile: Gps-Romania-harta Romaniei, Bucuresti (la nivel de strada)+40 resedinte de judet, Tomtom RoutePlanner, Tomtom CityMap şi altele) cuprinde hărţile statelor din Europa, inclusiv România până la nivel de drumuri secundare, respectiv peste 500.000 de localităţi urbane şi rurale.
Soft-ul despre care era vorba aici (Gps-Romania-harta Romaniei, Bucuresti +40 resedinte de judet) costa 250 de euro + TVA.
Nu vreau sa sa fac publicitate nimanui dar vad ca s-a inteles gresit. Cel mai bine dati un telefon la ei.
Soft-ul despre care era vorba aici (Gps-Romania-harta Romaniei, Bucuresti +40 resedinte de judet) costa 250 de euro + TVA.
Nu vreau sa sa fac publicitate nimanui dar vad ca s-a inteles gresit. Cel mai bine dati un telefon la ei.
Si atunci pentru ce dai 2650 de euro
Iar daca era cum zici tu... de ce au scris montaj
Iar cat despre pret... am spus ca am vazut la TV de la SIAB unde au spus clar ca Harta TomTom Pentru Romania e 200 + TVA
Oricum romanu e bastan, are el bani sa dea pe asa jucarie, ca de se asorteaza cu Maibachu
"Dupa conectarea PDA-ului la calculator, aplicatia "Microsoft ActiveSync" va porni automat si va incerca sa stabileasca un parteneriat intre PDA si calculator."
"Daca doriti reinstalarea aplicatiei pe un alt Palm decat pe cel care a fost initial inregistrat programul, va trebui sa ne contactati."
Deci cu ce merge pina la urma, cu Microsoft Pocket PC sau Palm OS ?! Dupa poze se pare ca M$, dar spune-le asta si la cei care-l vind.
Pe navteq se bazeaza o buna parte din softurile gen TomTom, daca nu chiar toate.
11400 de km de sosele romanesti (probabil cu date din ultimul cincinal) pare decent, chiar daca nu e nici pe departe door to door navigation.
Datorita faptului ca le facem reclama cred ca nu se supara daca le paste tot articolul aici (url-ul ala nu pare extrem de stabil):
NAVTEQ Releases its First Digital Map of Romania
Rapid expansion of the Eastern European database Continues: First NAVTEQ® map data for Bucharest now available
Chicago, IL –September 13, 2005 – NAVTEQ (NYSE: NVT), a leading global provider of digital maps for vehicle navigation and location-based solutions, has added a new country to its Eastern European database. Beginning in the third quarter of 2005, digital map data of Romania will be available to direct customers for the first time*.
Included in the map data release is detailed road network information for Romania’s capital, Bucharest and coverage of the main roadways linking 15 cities with a population of 25,000 or more.
The addition of Romania to NAVTEQ’s Eastern European coverage makes navigable travel between neighbouring countries Bulgaria and Hungary possible. This means navigation devices can now navigate across more borders: For instance from Germany via Austria and Hungary to Romania.
NAVTEQ now covers more than 11,400 kilometres of roads in Romania including Points of Interest (POI’s) such as restaurants, hotels and banks for 60 of the country’s towns and cities including: Arad, Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Craiova, Focsani, Galati, Iasi, Timisoara, Targu Mures, Oradea, Pitesti, Satu Mare and Sibiu. The database contains over 1,500 points of interest (POI) in 40 categories such as service stations, restaurants and train stations. Famous tourist attractions like the Transylvanian Bran Castle, legendary home of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, are also included in the Romanian map data.
Romania joins Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia in its expanded European coverage.
*Due to the highly complex process of updating and integrating NAVTEQ data into navigation systems and location-based solutions, it may take up to a year before these new maps are available to end customers in their navigation systems.
NAVTEQ is a leading provider of comprehensive digital map information for automotive navigation systems, mobile navigation devices, Internet-based mapping applications, and government and business solutions. NAVTEQ creates the digital maps and map content that power navigation and location-based services solutions around the world. The Chicago-based company was founded in 1985 and has approximately 1,600 employees located in 122 offices in 21 countries.
This document may include certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts and statements identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "seeks", "estimates" or words of similar meaning. These statements are based on our current beliefs or expectations and are inherently subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those set forth under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 26, 2005,as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Actual results may differ materially from these expectations due to changes in global political, economic, business, competitive, market and regulatory factors. NAVTEQ does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
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